Counselling for Children, Teens, and Adults


  • Individual counselling
  • Grief counselling
  • Parenting consultation
  • Faith-based services available upon request

Sessions are $220/hour
(cash or cheque are accepted)

Counselling for Adults

Are you feeling lost, stressed, angry, disappointed, sad, wounded, or just “stuck”? Maybe you need time and space to vent, to be heard, and to get some perspective, as you try to make sense of it all.

Counselling can help you to set goals that allow you to break negative patterns.You don’t have to keep spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. You can change your life…and get somewhere. Counselling can create space for you to discuss your goals in a focused, intentional way. You can identify the obstacles that are getting in your way, and devise concrete steps that get you closer to the life that you want. Maybe you don’t see yourself as “the counselling type”. If you have never been to a counsellor, and just want to work on a specific issue for a brief time, I may be the counsellor for you. I work with regular people, with regular problems. My hope for you is that we will work through those issues for a short time, and that you will move forward on your own with the skills and confidence to meet your future.

It would be my privilege to collaborate with you, and to help you set some achievable goals to enrich your life. Please call, email, or book an appointment online, so that you can get started.

Scenario: 35-Year Old Woman, Devastated After A Breakup

The Problem:

If you’ve had a difficult breakup, you might contact me because you are having trouble coping with your loss. You might be crying a great deal, losing sleep, eating too much or not enough, and you may be feeling distracted, depressed and unmotivated. If you have a history of depression, an incident such as this can be particularly distressing. Getting to work on time, and focusing on tasks can seem nearly impossible, and your self-esteem may plummet. You may even report feeling “unlovable”, and blame yourself for how things turned out.

The Counselling Process:

Addressing your pain and helping you heal will be the main goals of therapy. We will also try to resolve any negative thoughts you are having about yourself. I will work with you to help you to rediscover your inner strengths and worth as a lovable person who deserves to be happy in a relationship. We may look at what you can learn from this relationship, so that you can forgive yourself for mistakes you may have made. We can also address any feelings of unworthiness and affirm your strengths. Finally, if you are ready, we may look at what kind of relationship you want for your future and discuss how you can create it.

Outcomes You Might Expect:

Ideal outcomes of therapy for you are to heal some of your grief and pain, to develop confidence, to grow, and to feel more like yourself again, so that you can function better in your life and feel stronger and more whole. Hopefully you will have a clear picture of the kind of relationship you want in your future.

Scenario: A 42-Year-Old Man, Socially Isolated, Experiencing Anxiety And Panic Attacks

The Problem:

Many people function well as introverts, but it can be a problem if it causes isolation and distress. You might be someone who prefers to be in the background, yet you have to give presentations at work. The stress due to having to perform might cause panic attacks prior to presenting. If you have to interact with colleagues a lot at work, you may find it challenging to fit in and converse with them. You may also have problems in social situations outside of work, which may lead to even more isolation, because you avoid social invitations. You don’t want to be alone all the time, but it is too stressful to be with others.

The Counselling Process:

In therapy, we would address your fears, examine how rational they are, and possibly explore their underlying causes. I may ask you to carry your fears to the extreme and ask you to think of the worst possible scenario that you can imagine. Doing this shows that your worst fears are not usually as bad as you think. It can also help you to know that you can actually find a solution to combat your worst fears, in the unlikely event that you are faced with them. This knowledge helps to decreases anxiety and distress. I may also help you to develop breathing and relaxation skills that you can use when you are feeling anxious, so that you can calm yourself. Practicing your presentations in a session, or with an audience of trusted friends or family members is another strategy I might suggest.

Outcomes You Might Expect:

As time goes on, the small gains you make can propel you forward and help you manage your anxiety. Changing how you think about your fears can help reduce them and help you feel much more relaxed on a daily basis. Ideal outcomes include feeling more confident and secure in yourself, feeling more comfortable presenting and engaging in conversations with others at work and in other social situations.

Counselling for Teens and Children

As a parent, you are an important part of the counselling process. Your contribution reinforces the work that is done in the session, and our first meeting as a group sets the stage for the teamwork that is necessary for it is important that you and I have good communication and a rapport.

Scenario: 13-Year-Old Boy, Angry and Acting Aggressive After His Parent's Separation

The Problem:

As a parent, you might contact me and explain about your teenager’s fights at school, moodiness, stealing, and/or angry outbursts. You may have tried talking to your child, or giving consequences for his behaviour, without success.

The First Counselling Session:

I would speak to you, as the parent(s), to ensure that I had each parent’s perspective and written consent to work with your adolescent child. We would discuss the specific behaviors you are having difficulty with, your concerns and fears, as well as what you want for your child and your family.

During the first counselling session, I would explain the consent process to your teen and you, as parent(s). All of you would be invited to ask questions, express concerns, discuss any hesitations you have about entering therapy, as well as the goals you want to achieve in counselling.

Teenagers may be reluctant to come to counselling for various reasons. They may feel that it is unnecessary, and they may not engage right away with the therapist. I would make an effort to show interest in your teen and his goals to increase engagement.

The Counselling Process:

A teen in this situation would likely benefit from individual counselling sessions, as well as a limited number of goal-directed sessions with one or both parents.

I may use conversation, art or other therapeutic games to encourage your teen to share his or her feelings. He might be angry at you, as parents, due to your separation and any conflict that may exist between the two of you. He may also be frustrated because of the transitions he has to make between homes, and feel he has no control over his life. Whatever his concerns are, we will deal with them directly.

Some of your teen’s concerns might need to be negotiated with you; others may be problems that he has to come to terms with and accept. At any rate, communication with you as parents is essential. I will make every effort to help you give your son a voice and then invite you to respond by listening, being supportive, and possibly making some adjustments to his situation to ease the transition for him.

Outcomes You Might Expect:

Ideal outcomes would include your teen resolving some of his anger and hurt and coming to accept the fact that he cannot change the fact that his parents are separated.

As parents, therapy could help you understand your child’s concerns and behaviors better. Perhaps you could make some changes in your communication with him, and/or negotiate with him on aspects of the separation that are bothering him.

Once your son comes to accept the separation and feels assured of your love for him as parents, the problems of aggression should subside.


Parenting your Teen

Are you struggling to parent your teen?

The teen years can be challenging. You want to balance your teen’s need for autonomy with your need to provide guidance and boundaries. Although you want to teach your teen independence and responsibility, you also want to maintain a healthy, positive relationship with your teen.

Are you feeling frustration and anger when you interact with your teenager? Perhaps you are in conflict with your teen about:

  • Homework
  • Grades
  • Chores
  • Organization and cleanliness
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Rules
  • Friends
  • Privacy
  • Limits
  • Independence
  • Respect
  • Discipline
  • Use of technology

It can be difficult to know what to do.

  • Yelling has not worked
  • Grounding has not worked
  • Taking privileges and withholding allowance has not worked
  • Taking the phone/iPod/tablet/computer away seems unfair

You may feel like a failure as a parent. It can seem as though you are in constant conflict with your teen. It can spill over into your relationship. You are blaming each other, and your teen is in the middle of it. You yell when you mean to speak calmly, you say angry words that cannot be taken back, and things are just getting worse. This is not what you envisioned when you started your family. It used to be fun. Where did that adorable child go? How did you get here?

You can learn how to set reasonable limits and consistent expectations. You can find ways to reconnect with your teen and increase the probability of positive interactions. I can help you utilize strategies that will help you to set boundaries so that you can have fair, age-appropriate expectations. Together we can find ways to reward and acknowledge positive behaviours and work towards trust and relationship repair. Often, the first step in changing your child’s behaviour is a shift in your behaviour and thinking that allows him to respond.

If you would like to take some steps to address these concerns, please book an appointment online, or you can contact me by phone or email.

Make an Appointment

Please call or use the online booking system for your next appointment.